Who are we?

The story of Voisins Méchants

You surely remember confinement, this period which will mark our lives forever, I am sure.

It was during this period that we found ourselves chatting at our windows with neighbors in the neighborhood. Every evening we got into the habit of killing a little time because the days were a little long...

When in the summer of 2020 the strict confinement was lifted, we started evening aperitifs at each other's homes. Our evenings never ended and we had established a funny and positive dialogue which felt really good.

Blind musical test, jokes, anecdotes and more serious discussions ignited our evenings.

The Voisins gang was born!

And it was in yet another madness that we wanted to find an emblem, a coat of arms, in short something that would leave a memory of this strange but enriching period.

The creation of the logo and the first t-shirts were for us. The positive feedback from many people on this funny name pushed us to develop a little more...

nasty neighbors story

Voisins Méchants was born and the adventure was just beginning. We will take particular care in creating logos, always tinged with humor and inspiration linked to our different characters.

Our Voisins Méchants products are chosen using an eco-responsible approach and that is important to say.

Thank you for taking the time to read this novel.
and welcome to the Voisins Méchants family!

Alex, Regis & Pascal the Not So Bad Neighbors.
Without forgetting Voisines Sympas, Adeline, Nelly & Marie
without whom this adventure would not have the same flavor.